Rebus Generator
Create your own Rebus Puzzle using free online Rebus Maker.
Enter any word or phrase in English (for example, rebus ):
3 = f
Top 100 queries
Top 100 most popular queries to Rebus Generator:
a bsolve ,
aerate ,
amphibian ,
apple ,
argumentative ,
armistice ,
assiduous ,
attomey ,
B arack Obama ,
bed ,
bedridden ,
bedroom ,
beet ,
behead ,
belittle ,
billiard ,
brother ,
business ,
c anister ,
car ,
caress ,
children ,
chintz ,
claim ,
classes ,
clatter ,
coffee ,
company ,
computer ,
construe ,
cord blood ,
country ,
cower ,
credit ,
cunt ,
d egree ,
dollop ,
donate ,
door ,
drink ,
e at ,
electric ,
electricity ,
example ,
f ather ,
free ,
g ames ,
gas ,
good ,
government ,
h osting ,
i nformation ,
Instagram ,
insurance ,
ipad air ,
k eyhole ,
l aunder ,
lawyer ,
loans ,
m achete ,
mirror ,
mortgage ,
o nline ,
p olice ,
problem ,
q uestion ,
r ecovery ,
rehab ,
s chool ,
service ,
sex ,
small ,
software ,
solder ,
sonata ,
spurn ,
starling ,
study ,
subservient ,
sulphate ,
swatch ,
system ,
t able ,
television ,
tenement ,
thunderbolt ,
time ,
trading ,
transfer ,
treachery ,
treatment ,
u tensil ,
v ane ,
w afer ,
waggle ,
watch ,
water ,
whirlpool ,
window ,
woman .
Random Rebus
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The History of Rebus
The word "rebus" comes from the Latin res (thing) and denotes representation of names, words and phrases by a images, figures, composition of letters, etc. This word came from the Latin phrase "Non verbis sed rebus", which means "Without words, but with the help of things".
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