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Rebus Generator

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Top 100 most popular queries to Rebus Generator:

absolve, aerate, amphibian, apple, argumentative, armistice, assiduous, attomey, Barack Obama, bed , bedridden, bedroom , beet, behead, belittle, billiard, brother, business, canister, car, caress, children, chintz, claim, classes, clatter, coffee, company, computer, construe, cord blood, country, cower, credit, cunt, degree, dollop, donate, door, drink, eat, electric, electricity, example, father, free, games, gas, good, government, hosting, information, Instagram, insurance, ipad air, keyhole, launder, lawyer, loans, machete, mirror, mortgage, online, police, problem, question, recovery, rehab, school, service, sex, small, software, solder, sonata, spurn, starling, study , subservient, sulphate, swatch, system, table, television , tenement, thunderbolt, time, trading, transfer, treachery, treatment, utensil, vane, wafer, waggle, watch, water, whirlpool, window, woman.

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 The History of Rebus

The first known manuscript collections puzzles are top end XV XVI century. In 1582 ( ? 1562 ) came the first printed collection called "Les Bigarurres du Seigneur des Accords", which had a great success and went through several editions. Its author was Taboureau Etienne (Etienne Tabourot, 1548-90) - French poet , known as the seigneur des Accords, excellent " rhymer " more distinguished poetic foci ( acrostics , anagrams , etc. ) than really poetic works. more ►

Rebus Puzzles

Rebus Puzzles

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Rebus Generator

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How to Solve a Rebus

How to Solve a Rebus

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