Rebus Generator
Create your own Rebus Puzzle using free online Rebus Maker.
Enter any word or phrase in English (for example, rebus ):
Top 100 queries
Top 100 most popular queries to Rebus Generator:
a bsolve ,
aerate ,
amphibian ,
apple ,
argumentative ,
armistice ,
assiduous ,
attomey ,
B arack Obama ,
bed ,
bedridden ,
bedroom ,
beet ,
behead ,
belittle ,
billiard ,
brother ,
business ,
c anister ,
car ,
caress ,
children ,
chintz ,
claim ,
classes ,
clatter ,
coffee ,
company ,
computer ,
construe ,
cord blood ,
country ,
cower ,
credit ,
cunt ,
d egree ,
dollop ,
donate ,
door ,
drink ,
e at ,
electric ,
electricity ,
example ,
f ather ,
free ,
g ames ,
gas ,
good ,
government ,
h osting ,
i nformation ,
Instagram ,
insurance ,
ipad air ,
k eyhole ,
l aunder ,
lawyer ,
loans ,
m achete ,
mirror ,
mortgage ,
o nline ,
p olice ,
problem ,
q uestion ,
r ecovery ,
rehab ,
s chool ,
service ,
sex ,
small ,
software ,
solder ,
sonata ,
spurn ,
starling ,
study ,
subservient ,
sulphate ,
swatch ,
system ,
t able ,
television ,
tenement ,
thunderbolt ,
time ,
trading ,
transfer ,
treachery ,
treatment ,
u tensil ,
v ane ,
w afer ,
waggle ,
watch ,
water ,
whirlpool ,
window ,
woman .
Random Rebus
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The History of Rebus
French earthenware plate XIX century rebus In the second half of the XIX century puzzles have been widely used in everyday life. They appear on the pages of newspapers and magazines , postcards , table accessories. In trendsetter - France, released a series of porcelain plates on the front of which was depicted rebus , and on the back - the solution.
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